Written by :
Hani Ghalayini

Posted on : 30/02/2024

Tags : bigcommerce

At a time when eCommerce platforms are upping their game, providing brands with scalable solutions and international capabilities, the question ultimately boils down to what platform will be the best fit for you and your brands aims and objectives. let's talk about the benefits of bigcommerce.

BigCommerce is a flexible eCommerce platform that allows businesses to build and manage their online storefront. It has a few distinct advantages over its competitors, and we’re seeing more and more big brands transitioning over to BigCommerce due to its capabilities, let's dive into what makes BigCommerce great and why they're leading the charge when it comes to eCommerce.

The Benefits of BigCommerce

There are some airtight reasons as to why BigCommerce could be a good choice for your company; we’ve picked four major benefits and explained them in a bit more detail below

1. What is SaaS?

A big differentiator for BigCommerce is that it is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. This makes it a compelling option for businesses that do not have the resources to manage the technical aspects of the storefront. All data is neatly stored in the cloud, eliminating the laborious need for software installation and management.

2. Flexible and scalable

BigCommerce is an excellent platform for businesses seeking flexibility and scalability. It provides various tools and features that can be customised to meet your specific needs, such as website design and functionality, product catalog management, and app and software integration. BigCommerce is designed to expand as your business grows, with no restrictions on the number of products or traffic your webshop can handle. This makes it a highly flexible and scalable option for businesses looking to expand and grow their online presence.

3. Secure & reliable

On top of that, compliance with industry standards for security, protecting their users with SSL encryption, PCI compliance and DPA. This means customer data is always safe and secure when faced with potential attacks against your storefront. Choosing BigCommerce doesn’t just mean you’re scalable, but it also means you’re secure.

4. Endless integration possibilities

Integrations is really where BigCommerce stands out - payment providers, email marketing tools, Customer service, shipping and fulfilment, analytics, reporting, the list goes on. Their open-ended API allows your options to be near enough unlimited. We’ve previously connected BC to brands' internal systems, allowing seamless connections between their store and their internal systems.

5. BigCommerce Support

This is where BigCommerce really differs from the competition. Got a problem on your store? Call up and have a specialist look at your issue and attempt an immediate fix. If they can’t do it, they’ll escalate it to their senior support team and you can expect a response within a couple of hours at most. It’s a completely different service than the competition and what puts them firmly in the conversation for bigger brands to replatform to BigCommerce.

Final thoughts from Superior

It's all about what your brand aspires to do, to achieve, to be and to become. BigCommerce is well on the way to take over from other outdated platforms, driving their tech initiatives to propel them to the forefront of eCommerce, and we're here for the ride.

We're ready for the exciting future of BigCommerce, if you want to find out more about how BigCommerce can service your business, get in touch with us so we can introduce you to some truly amazing people at BigCommerce.

"In 2024, we are relentlessly focused on customer success and delivering industry-leading products and service to our customers and partners. We aspire to become the most loved eCommerce platform in the world."

Daniel Lentz |
CFO @ BigCommerce

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